Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By aortiz
#59750 Hi, I recently got a nodemcu dev kit (esp-12 0.9), for testing my new tool i used ESPlorer and tryied some code (for flasihing leds) with no problems on windows XP and 7. Since some days ago I can't program the dev kit, I don't know what happened, when I try to stablish communication in ESPlorer i just get a message: "PORT OPEN 9600 Communication with MCU.." and that's all. I have tryied with all the available speeds and controls with no results.

I have changed the firmware several times using ESP8266Flasher.exe succesfully, so the dev kit communicates with the PC but not with ESPlorer.

Can some one help me?