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By 4refr0nt
Mike wrote:Hello 4refr0nt,

thanks a lot for opening ESPlorer to the community. It is a great Project so far, i hope it will become even better in the future !

I tried to import the .zip from Github into Netbeans 8.02 .

Netbeans reportet 3 Problems:

    "JSSC" library could not be found

    "rsyntaxtextarea-2.5.4.jar" file/folder could not be found

    Invalid Java Platform

(last one may be because i am using openjdk)

Can you give me any hints where to find the missing Files ?

Best wishes,
and jdk8 & jre8
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By 4refr0nt
#6134 ESPlorer: new version v0.1 build 205 released.

Binaries download
Source code download

ChangeLog for this version
    ESPlorer - open source now!
    add "TurboMode" feature. My tests: File size: 3300 byte, 100 lines, baud rate: 115200, Download time: 1.8 sec
    Terminal window have syntaxhilighter too (as editor)
    Java 7 & 8 compatible now

Full ChangeLog

TurboMode tips:

1. Connect to ESP on 9600
2. Reconnect on 115200 (just choose new baud rate nearly serial port selector)
3. Check connect by sending any command to ESP
4. Open file "test100lines.lua" from "_lua" folder
5. Go to "Settings" tab
6. TurboMode - check for selected
7. Click on "Save to ESP"
8. Check time elapsed at log window after complete.
9. Try any other files.
10. Profit!

If you have errors, bugs and so on - you can disabled "TurboMode" on "Settings" tab.
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By 4refr0nt
#6533 ESPlorer: new version v0.1 build 206 released.

Binaries download
Source code download

ChangeLog for this version

    add file.format from NodeMCU 20150107
    AutoMagic cleaning of CMD-History from Mike (DL2ZAP)
    add several commands to Command combo-box

Full ChangeLog