- Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:03 am
Hey all, ESP8266 n00b here running into some issues. I have a couple of nodemcu dev boards (v1 I believe) and am running into issues flashing the boards that I have tied the RESET and GPIO16 pins together on for deep sleep. I basically used the info from here
http://blog.falafel.com/esp8266nodemcu-deep-sleep/ on a few boards as the code I'm using uses the deep sleep function. The problem is that on the boards I did that on I can no longer flash them
. I have a few boards from the same batch that I did NOT do that on and they work totally fine. I even tried something simple like using the esptool.py app to pull back the MAC and it says it can't connect to the board.
Any ideas on what might be happening? I've searched around and didn't find anything specific to the issues I'm having so that makes me think it's something I am doing wrong.