A Basic Interpreter written from scratch for the ESP8266

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#60126 I might sugest waiting about 3 minuets after flashing befor attempting to reboot. I have seem behaveure that it takes a minuet or 2 for things to start working.
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By yodandy
#60158 I let the format start and went to bed, woke up the next AM for a reboot and still the same results.

Can anyone link me directly to one of these on amazon 100% confirmed to flash successfully? I'm going to return these units as it has to be the hardware at this point: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IK ... UTF8&psc=1
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By Mmiscool
#60165 If you are in the US i can ship to you. Can cut you a deal on them if you want more than one.

The ones I have work. and will be pre-flashed.
Otherwise I highly suggest looking for ones that have the ch340 usb to serial chip on them. Not ftdi.
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By yodandy
Mmiscool wrote:If you are in the US i can ship to you. Can cut you a deal on them if you want more than one.

The ones I have work. and will be pre-flashed.
Otherwise I highly suggest looking for ones that have the ch340 usb to serial chip on them. Not ftdi.

I'd be happy to buy directly from you. I can't seem to be able to directly message you but can you email me at this address? Linked as an image to avoid spam scrapers and what not: http://i.imgur.com/8JnvrR6.png