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By mtongnz
#59959 I know this is an old thread but I thought I'd share my code. I've been working on this code for about a year but just found this thread.

I use Arduino IDE but I use a modified version of the Arduino Core for ESP8266 to allow for correct subnets in hotspot mode and to allow a stand alone mode:

I've made a library to output 2 DMX universes called espDMX. It is a modified version of the hardwareSerial library and is entirely interrupt driven which makes timing very precise and allows you to do a lot of other stuff without affecting the DMX.

I've then used this library to create an Artnet to 2 Uni DMX node. All settings are done via a web GUI and it will start a hotspot if it can't connect to WiFi so you can always access the settings. The latest version also allows you to save and recall scenes. The number of scenes is limited only by the number of channels you send via Artnet & the size of your SPIFFS allocation.

I'd love some feedback:
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By Hutje
#60351 Here you can use the esp8266 with a max485-chip for rs485 protocol which is the same as dmx.
This tutorial is to make a receiver with art-net. So you only need to connect to the esp8266's access point and send the signal with your software (for example QLC+) ... /?ALLSTEPS

I had the idea to make a sender which generates a hidden access point and connect the receivers with the access point. The sender gets the dmx signal and sends the data to all the receivers which will send the dmx-signal through.