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By edwin
#60330 occasionally I have that for a variety of reasons: wrong board selected, wrong port selected, or Serial monitor stillgetting input from somehere else. and sometimes for unknown reasons in which a reset usually cures it.

But as you seem to have it for some time, probably something else.
What board do you select??

Firmware problem Well, as I understand that shield indeed has some firmware in it already but usually that is overwritten when you upload something, so' firmware' is never the problem

What I am wondering... your shield supposedly works as an AP in default mode. Is it indeed working as such?

Also.. are you sure you are even supposed to upload programs? As I understand it works either as AP or as an Arduino shield, I didnt get the impression you are supposed to program it yourself, but apparently you can if you use the 'key' pin. You have checked the manual right? ... pter4.html.

To use it as a 'standalone development board; banggood advises to load the 'AT-firmware' or 'NodeMCU' which would indicate that one can upload software. But since you specifically bought this (rather expensive one) i presume you want to keep the AP node software in it. Do realize you lose that even if you upload the tiniest program.

Also.. how are you uploading, from your posting at the link you gave I understood you are using ESPtool? But also the IDE am I correct?

Also you refer to it as an "Arduino shield" so where to are you actually uploading your programs? to the Arduino or to this board? as I dont see any USB on this board, I presume you are uploading to the Arduino?

I presume that as the communication between Arduino and this board in AT mode is via the serial port. so if you have the board on top of the Arduino.... you cannot use the serial port for uploading.

So if indeed you are uploading to the USB of the Arduino and you have this board connected, remove the board and then upload to your arduino and stick the board back in. The program you were trying to upload is apparently for the Wemos... that will most likely not work on an Arduino + WiFi shield that is controlled by AT commands
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By PeppePegasus
#60364 Thank for your reply: port, serial monitor receiving signal from correct board. Reset the shiedl with the button on the shield doesn't resolve any problem.
From Arduino IDE I select Generic ESP8266 Module.
I am not able to affirm if the shield works as AP, can you suggest how can verify it?
Of course I read the mentioned guide: Example 1: Arduino to WiFi communication it works for me, example2: communicate with remote server not.
I use Arduino IDE, additionaly I try with ESPlorer and it seems to connect with board but I receive the message:


Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...

Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.

Yes I upload the sketches with Arduino IDE on the Arduino but iut is sselcted generci esp8266 module.
I hope with these information can help me.
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By mrburnette
PeppePegasus wrote:<...>
Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...

Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.

I am very confused....

The ESP8266 shield you have seem to be functioning as a replacement (clone) of the Arduino WiFi shield. As such, it would likely be mimicking the official Arduino WiFi code. So, if you are using an UNO board with the shield, the IDE would be programming the host (UNO) and not the shield.
This is just my guess.

As mentioned previously, if you have exercised option #6, we do not know the state of the board ...
6, Can be used as an independent ESP8266 development board, download the official AT commands firmware, NodeMCU open source firmware;

IMO, This board is NOT a good ESP8266 development board - it was meant as a replacement to the official board but using different hardware. Definitely not newbie friendly.

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By vijay555
#60564 Hi all. I managed to solve my variation of the same problem.

Somehow the reset button wasn't working correctly on my ESP12.

I used a wire to manually connect GPIO0 to Ground and then monitored the port at baud 76800 while powering up. Using this I could see that the Bootloader was intact, so I used esptool to reflash a clean firmware.
That worked, and after that I was able to get it running again normally.

Thank you all.