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By SeanL
#60451 Hello,

Hardware: nodeMCU V2.0, newest lua-firmware (from build service)

Code: Select all-- pin test
pin=6;   -- for D6  n=0..8 for D0..D8

After that I measure 1.1V on D6. If it is set LOW, it is 0V.

Tried the same with pin 0..8:

D0: HIGH: 3,3V LOW: 79mV, red LED on -> fine
D1: HIGH: 3.3V LOW: 0V
D2: HIGH: 1.1V LOW: 0V
D3: HIGH: 1.1V LOW: 0V
D4: HIGH: 1.1V LOW: 120mV, blue LED on
D5-D8: HIGH: 1.1V LOW: 0V

When I read the status with the values are as expected (0 for LOW, 1 for HIGH).

Whats wrong woth the voltage here?