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By MartynC
#6014 Hi,

I have recently purchased 2 different kinds on board, ESP8266-01 and ESP8266-201.

The ESP8266-01 seem to be slightly different to the normal variety.
ESP8266-01 (800).jpg

These are working and I have managed to upload firmware etc.
It took a while for me to figure how to upload the firmware as the GPIO 0 and GPIO 2 pins seem to be reversed. I needed to bring GPIO 2 to GND to enable programming. Baud rate was set at 9600.
When first started they identify themselves as [ Version:] and are version 018000902-AI03 which I think is common now.

I also bought some ESP8266-201s
These are bigger boards and have various have pins broken out.
ESP8266-201 (800).jpg

I cannot get these to work. They power on but no signal and cannot communicate through serial (tried all baud rates)

Since the ESP8266-01s need CH_PD brought to HIGH, I tried the same with the 201's. But still no luck.

ESP8266-01 CH_PD close up.jpg
ESP8266-01 CP_PD pin trace

ESP8266-201 pin 7 close up.jpg
ESP8266-201 pin trace

I followed the pin out on the 01 and tried to match it on the 201's. I think it is pin7, second up from bottom left. Tried 2 different 201's with no joy. Tried various other pins without success.

Really not sure what to try next. Any help would be appreciated.