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By l0ur3nz0
#5765 Yeah, eBay... Hit and miss... That's where I've got my esp01 that was completely different from the picture advertised and hence my question about reliable sources.

I know I could have escalated to eBay or PayPal but the amount doesn't worth it and the other few parts were ok.

I have to place a new order somewhere.

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By gerardwr
scargill wrote:Electrodragon - to the UK including post... $8.43
Banggood to the UK including post... well under half of that...

Banggood is a good tip, they only had the ESP-01 when I ordered at Electrodragon. Don't see an ESP-12, but they do have an ESP-7 at $3.95 including shipping, on the picture it has ADC. Had I seen it before, I would have ordered there.

Ordered several times from Banggood, never had any trouble.
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By scargill
#5791 Ages abo we bought some LCD displays off them - at the time there was no doc around.. and they went out of their way to find a library for us!! That's service for you. Enjoy.

gerardwr wrote:
scargill wrote:Electrodragon - to the UK including post... $8.43
Banggood to the UK including post... well under half of that...

Banggood is a good tip, they only had the ESP-01 when I ordered at Electrodragon. Don't see an ESP-12, but they do have an ESP-7 at $3.95 including shipping, on the picture it has ADC. Had I seen it before, I would have ordered there.

Ordered several times from Banggood, never had any trouble.
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By chandan2002x
1. Upto 255 client can be connected with ESP (Not 5 as it is by default. Higher device, lower performance... 8-) )
2. One client can communicate to any other client with.
3. The ESP can simultaneously be connected to LAN/WLAN and can access other node (esp or PC etc). Any node (connected with ESP-AP) can communicate to any node in LAN (ESP-STA)
4. Multiple ESP can connect each other [As of now manual connection for the issue of default AP-IP of in progress]. After connection one node can communicate (as of now- simplex........need to implement the routing protocol) to any remote node.

Work update (observer the changes):

1. Upto 255 client/Server (total 255) can be connected from ESP, to ESP or from/to other remote server. I.e ESP can handle total 255 uplink/downlinks.
2. Any client can communicate to any other client with ESP, through ESP (still manual transparent command that can be sent through LAN(putty !), not UART)
3. Every ESP will get unique AP IP, and unique SSID. Its not random, rather static but automatically generated.
4. Any ESP can find all its neighbors having "Specific Series of SSID " (for example "MESH-abcde", "MESH-asdfg" etc). Every ESP will make the priority list as per RSSI (can be updated later with different algo)
5. The ESP will connect the strong RSSI (work in progress...need add more complexity i.e. if connection failure (may be the server ESP is full with 255 client), it must switch to next one in shorting list)


1. Association is little stable. [Please share your opinion after test].
2. Nodes will share their link info with each other. All nodes will hold the full link table. [The link table contains the SSID only numeric part]
3. If any new node joins, its link info will be updated automatically and propagate the info to other nodes.
4. However, if any node is removed, the association will be updated, but link info is not updated [Work in progress]
5. If any node changes its AP, the link info sometimes not updated [work in progress]
6. Some debug info may be odd, but accept it as a part of debugging and development.

The network formation is bit stable. However, if the nodes are more than 4, there are chances to form multiple Cluster of two-three nodes [will be solved later].
The best way to check is to use nodes of three.


Update: If the nodes are more than 3, please power on the next nodes sequentially (better with a time gap of 1 min or so)
Oh! Again, use 115200
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