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By Nic Roche
#60882 Hi,

I have a sketch that:
- Hosts some webpages
- Reads soil sensors
- Controls relays
- Controls servos
- GET requests to and

The pages are hosted through ESP8266WebServer (and served via server.sendContent) and the GETs are using WiFiClient - client.print(String("GET ") +...

The first (and only) connection to works routinely but subsequent connections to (after starting the webserver) mostly fail.

Is there a restriction (and strategy for handling) hosting a server and spawning a client?

There are a few ino and *.h files but I can post further details as needed.

User avatar
By Nic Roche
#60930 They rarely succeed and possibly due to my disabling the httpServer (during debug iterations). I'm not sure what the 15 second interval is ,but the connections to happen every minute; the first one 2 minutes after the GET to