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By bob808
#61477 Hello all,
I got a esp12e and want to push some data on my local network. I want to make an apache website to which I want to push data. At the moment I'm thinking of going either with a raspberry pi, either with a virtual machine on my computer.
Any resources on the configuration involved? All I see online is the sparkfun website with the streamId and privateKey stuff. I want to make something that's not depending on sparkfun or internet.
I want to gather some data from sensors around my house and push it to a local page/file whatever. I then process the data with scripts on the server.
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By bob808
#61509 Well, here someone that knows esp8266 could chime in with the ways the device can communicate with a webserver. That would be a starting place and can help me figure out what I need to do next.
This would be good info to for many more people looking to tinker with this board. Almost everything I found online is based on the sparkfun data website.
For example, I managed to push data to a local Apache server using GET but I'm sure there are more ways. Also of interest would be to push data to a sql database.
Now, I'm on ESP8266 Arduino subforum asking how to push data to a webserver and you're telling me my question has nothing to do with the board? :| It's not about the webserver, as a LAMP server is easy to set up. I'm asking of ways to interface the esp8266 to different services, web or sql/ftp etc.
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By rudy
#61513 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=13477

This site is more about the device and less about the outside infrastructure. Your question is too broad and has too many options that anyone would want to spend the time in explaining all the options. You are basically saying, Tell me what you think I need to do something complex but undefined. It might not be what I want so don't get upset if it ends up being a waste of your time.