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By rodmcm
#61543 I read somewhere that each ESP has a unique mac address but find that for my ESP

STA mode mac address= 5E:CF:7F:01:37:8E
in AP mode the mac address: 5C:CF:7F:01:37:8E

These are read from WiFi.macAddress().c_str() and ,WiFi.softAPmacAddress().c_str() after connecting in eack mode.

Is this correct, are there two ESP addresses?

Also, I assume that these have to be reversed to get the maker id and then the serial id ?
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By piersfinlayson
#61562 I believe there are the two MAC addresses as you've indicated.

In your case 01:37:8e is your "chip id", 5c:cf:7f and 5e:cf:7f are vendor ids. Interestingly 5c:cf:7f is registered as espressif, but 5e:cf:7f seems to be unregistered.

I've seen different MAC prefixes (on earlier modules) so I suspect that the chip ID isn't unique - uniqueness can only be achieved using a MAC address. Given 5c:cf:7f is Espressif's vendor ID I recommend using that one.
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By piersfinlayson
rodmcm wrote:STA mode mac address= 5E:CF:7F:01:37:8E
in AP mode the mac address: 5C:CF:7F:01:37:8E

Do you have these transposed? I think you may find the station address is 5c and the ap is 5e.