0001 0101 0000 0000 0001 0001 0000 0000 0010 0110
I'm not far enough along yet to know how that should be read into the variables.
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sancho wrote:cdrwolfe wrote:I'm beginning to wonder if this is possible at all using lua.
For the life of me I can't get the chip to correctly control the gpio pins. With the DHT22 connected it is always set as high, calling gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW) does nothing .
If anyone else has any luck feel free to post it .
Which version of ESP do you have? The very first ESP-01 did not have GPIO pins connected to the output pins of the board - therefore doing anything with the code would result in absolutely nothing.
-- Step 2 - Read data stream
-- Data recieved as 40 bits of data, 16 bits for humidity, 16 bits for temperature and 6 bits checksum
-- Need to convert from binary to decimal and divide by 10
-- When highest bit of temperature is '1' it means that temperature is below '0'
for i = 0, 5, 1 do
for j = 0, 8, 1 do
-- Reset count
retryCount = 0;
-- Wait for DHT22 pin to pull low
while gpio.read(pin) == 0 do
-- Check retry count
if retryCount > 75 then
print "DHT22 timeout waiting for data"
-- Increment count
retryCount = retryCount + 1
-- Wait 1us
-- Once confirmed wait a specified time '40us+'
-- Check data bit value
if (gpio.read(pin) == 1) then
-- DHT22 pin is high, bit value is a 1
bitData[i*8+j] = 1
-- DHT22 pin is low, bit value is a 0
bitData[i*8+j] = 0
-- Wait for 1us and pin is high
count = 0
-- Loop
while gpio.read(pin) == 1 and count < 100 do
-- Increment
count = count + 1
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