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By senhai
#6274 I recently looked into the SDK and tried to compile the firmware.

I found the libs provided by the SDK does not come with the source code for the libs:
LIBS = c gcc hal pp phy net80211 lwip wpa main

These libs are in the folder :

Does anyone have any idears of getting the source code of these libs?

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By gwizz
#6279 Do you mean the Espresiv SDK or the esp-open-sdk?

AFAIK the open sdk is attempting to replace the non-open parts one by one and has already got a portion of the toolchain in place.

The Espressiv one, in a bit of a mixed state. There was some discussion on a Github issue about parts of a release under GPL - seems they did it by mistake not appreciating the viral nature of it. But I can't find the issue now.

Anyhow, if you are at all interested in the bigger picture (freedom, better engineering etc) then I would encourage you to try out the open toolchain and report any issues that you find. Good luck with your projects!

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By sej7278
#6291 the espressif one is a mess, the makefiles are awful and still rely on various xt-* binaries and some libs as blobs. it doesn't even work - even the lubuntu vm from espressif doesn't compile useable binaries (it compiles but the firmware crashes a lot) and the xtensa tarball is missing a few headers and doesn't work either. the xp vm with all the flex license manager and closed-source cruft is about the only way to compile useful firmware.

the esp-open-sdk is the way we should be going, but as it is now it doesn't compile anything particularly useful without modification, it can't compile the AT or IoT_Demo or either Lua firmware, probably because they're targetted at the espressif toolchain with the makefiles and structure basically being copy'n'pasted from the espressif examples. doesn't seem very open to suggestions either.