Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By gaara
#62829 Hi,

We're trying to use MQTT over websockets, however, it doesn't seem that the Sming MQTTClient supports connections over websockets. Any idea if there's anything else available?

Could we use the WebSocketClient to send MQTT messages? Is there any reference of how to format those messages to subscribe etc?


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By gaara
#62882 It's not really MQTTWebSocket client though. It's a web socket client sending messages to a middle man between the ESP and the MQ Broker.

Since MQTT brokers support web sockets, there's no reason for the ESP not to have an MQTTWebSocket client. It's just a matter of someone developing one, or porting one.

Does anyone have a reference of how to construct MQTT Web Socket messages (subscribe, publish, etc)?

