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By ludod
#6327 I tested it in firmware v0.20 (0020000904) and in the beginning it looks more stable, but still after some time server isn't accepting connections anymore (restart is needed to solve.)

also noticed that when a tcp connection is broken (no close is send) after the timeout a "0,CONNECT" string is shown, logicaly it schoud be "0,CLOSE".
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By Athena
#6330 @ludod , Hi ,I tried timeout disconnection when ESP8266 as a TCP server, it shows “0,CLOSED” 。。

And AT demo can hold 5 network connections (TCP or UDP) at most..

So if you have already got 5 connections , no matter TCP or UDP, no matter server or client, the NO.6 one will fail..
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By Baoshi
#6415 I'm not sure if it is related but my custom firmware built from RTOS SDK using Station wilress mode seems doing a wireless reconnect every exact 5 minutes. That could cause all listening sockets to break.