Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Necromant
ystrem wrote:Hello, great job! Do you plan to implement mqtt to your fw?

Not at the moment, but patches are welcome. I'll also keep a close look at nodelua.
For now I plan to implement telnet command line for frankenstein, but alas this requires to recompile lwip with a different configuration. Otherwise - lwip keeps sending data in bursts with huge (~1s) timeouts.
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By sej7278
#6345 did you ever fix the reboot issues?

the nodemcu firmware suffers from random reboots when compiled on linux due (probably) to lack of heap space, probably as it has a lua interpreter getting in the way!

so what's the status of this firmware - i see there's a ds18b20 library so that's 1wire, do we have i2c/spi libs or is it just bitbanging gpio pins?

can you configure static ip instead of dhcp?

i understand this compiles using esp-open-sdk instead of that sad excuse for a bunch of makefiles from espressif?

is it using 0.9.4 firmware now? did you replace esptool with esptool.py now (esp-open-sdk has done both of these, so i assume that's a knock-on?)

instead of lua and lisp etc. have you thought of busybox (bash) as used in most embedded linux devices - that could be your cli and scripting in one.
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By Necromant
sej7278 wrote:did you ever fix the reboot issues?

the nodemcu firmware suffers from random reboots when compiled on linux due (probably) to lack of heap space, probably as it has a lua interpreter getting in the way!

so what's the status of this firmware - i see there's a ds18b20 library so that's 1wire, do we have i2c/spi libs or is it just bitbanging gpio pins?

can you configure static ip instead of dhcp?

i understand this compiles using esp-open-sdk instead of that sad excuse for a bunch of makefiles from espressif?

is it using 0.9.4 firmware now? did you replace esptool with esptool.py now (esp-open-sdk has done both of these, so i assume that's a knock-on?)

instead of lua and lisp etc. have you thought of busybox (bash) as used in most embedded linux devices - that could be your cli and scripting in one.

Well, if you want all news in s small bunch - here you go:
So far it's using 0.9.3 SDK, I'll bump to 0.9.4 ASAP. So far no random reboots for me. Static/dynamic ips are all set up via environment. I've replaced esptool with esptool.py completely for now.
As for the interpreter things - I decided to leave it be and concentrate work on telnet console support.

I've finished studying what stuff espressif's people did to lwip and so far it doesn't look good. They have hacks here and there, so vanilla lwip will not work and I doubt ever will without espressif opening up the blobs.
I've just fixed the DHCP_OPTION_HOSTNAME and small packets issue, so 'send' now delivers small payloads immediately. I'll push the changes quite soon.

My goals right now are to get frankenstein cmdline available via telnet and add transparent TCP<-->UART bridge. I guess most of arduino-lovers would like that one.

Playing more with lwip - we can possibly get port forwarding work, so this thing make make the most tiniest and useless router on the planet.