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By wes709
#63422 The Plan: I would like to invent something to feed my cat on a daily basis.

I have Purchased the ESP12e ... 85891.html

I have connected the board to the Arduino software connected the board and done the blink test. That part I am confident enough with.

I am now trying to get a continuous servo to turn either from my phone or the computer and that is where i am stuck .

I have been looking at tutorials upon tutorials for the ESP12e but cannot figure out how im supposed to do this.

PLEASE HELP and i appologize in advance for my Newbie-ness i am huge into RC but this is my first step into arduino land ! :)
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By xl97
#63471 When you mention phone or PC.. are you talking about 'locally' being able to communicate with it?

Or from outside of the house (using the internet) to do so?

IMHO.. a captive portal solution seems like it would fit.


ESP is an AP (access point).
Your phone will see it as a new wireless network that it can connect to.
If you connect to the wireless network (ESP module) and open a browser (ie: Chrome).. and type in an ANY address, you can have the ESP serve up its OWN .html page (ie: web page).

This webpage can just be a bunch of buttons/links.. that 'command' the ESP to do things..


link1/button1 = feed cat

when you click on it, it will submit the webpage (to itself).. where you can then parse the command/action and handle how you see fit..

in your case.. you might just see a '1' come over.. and in your sketch you know a '1' is the 'feed cat' command.

So you can then turn servo X degrees, wait.. then return back X degrees.. (or whatever works best)

I really like the 'captive portal' approach on my standalone projects.. it provides:

connection to components

all in one module.
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By wes709
#64156 Thanks for the reply Barnabybear, xl97. This is the page that gave me the idea! ... /?ALLSTEPS

Once again i am pretty rookie with this thing but I had no problems with this ... DEVKIT-V2/

I have all the electronics, however i do notice that my board is not the exact one as the IoT pet feeder!