I am a newbie to this field, and i am trying to make a remote temperature/humidity/light/pressure device.
So this one looked very good and i bought it, link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BH1750-ESP8266-WIFI-Module-HDC1080-Temperature-Humidity-BMP280-Pressure-Sensor-/191981014679?hash=item2cb2f5ce97:g:7XcAAOSwAuZX6gzm
I have an Arduino Uno for small testing and such and also a FTDI1232 (which was required to flash this device as i have understood)
I have come so far that i got the RS232 working and got it connected to my wifi network.
Now the question.
How do i program the chip to retrieve that data from the 3 sensors onboard?
I have not gotten any documentation, so i am working blind, but i am probably not the only one that bought it? (i hope)
I hope one of you can help me get on track on programming this thing, i tried the ESP8266 board in Arduino IDE, but i cannot seem to upload any code. (espcomm_upload_mem failed)
Also the pin layout on that board does not match the PIN documentation on the ESP-14.
Please help.