What I would like to know is if the following can be done with an ESP8266 module:
1) It shall implement an Access Point to which a PC or Smartphone can connect to using WPA protocol
2) The module shall have a serial port available for communication via the WiFi network (like a port server)
3) A connected client should be able to connect to a TCP port on the AP device to communicate with the serial port
4) It shall be possible to transfer binary data to the device connected to the AP serial port (both directions)
5) Data transfer rate on the serial line must be at least 38400 baud
We are trying to replace an existing solution using a not so good WiFi adapter, which resets the AP function at certain times. One such time is when the remote client disconnects from the TCP port serving the serial line, then the whole AP resets!
I hope this chip can help out here.
We use Microchip PIC24 controllers for our embedded work and we have limited experience in creating low-level TCP/IP functions in firmware so we need as much ready-made as possible.
Bo B