Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Reiner Rosin
#64476 I did not find any solution, so I just sent the modules back to the seller. He will sell me new items, so if they have the same problems, I can check if they have the same wrong wiring like your modules.
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By benjit
jsaily wrote:I found a solution for Arduino IDE using these modules! The SPI flash in these ESP-01 modules marked "V3.0" is 8Mbit and it's using SPI-mode DOUT which is not in the standard Arduino IDE for ESP8266.

You need to manually add the DOUT mode like instructed in this post (in the bottom of it):


Thank you so much! I was about to rip my hair out trying to get these to work. Setting flash mode to DOUT did the trick.