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By LaurentCA
#64486 Hi All,
I wanted to develop with esp8266 without using the arduino ide.
So I got the virtual machine with all installed, was able to compile and download simple examples.
The when I started creating my own app, I got blocked because the virtual machine SDK is outdated and many things changed since.
So I downloaded the last RTOS_SDK tried to tight back everything, was able to compile and install few examples from the SDK (which actually crash after few seconds).
Then, again, tried to develop my own app, and ran into missing things.
For instance, using gpios, even with include "gpio.h", I got errors such as "undefined reference to `gpio_output_conf' ".

So obviously my toolchain is broken but honestly all I googled direct me to outdated posts.

I would appreciate if someone can explain where to start and how in an explicit and working way.

