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By alex_g
#64629 There are a lot of good choices coming out of china, very inexpensive,
You can order now and have them arrive by the time you have experimented with the ones you got locally!

I have used the esp-07 for its external antenna, so cheap, sub €2. For another sub-€2 you can get 10 breakout boards for it!!! It will also need a 3.3v regulator see here.

I don't need a USB port in deployment, so I just use an adapter for programming.

If you need a unit with a USB port built in AND a receptacle for an antenna, I have recently spotted the WeMOS D1 mini pro, again very cheap from China sub-€6! And it has 16 Megs of flash, instead of 4, might be useful! You can find on fleabay here, hope it's OK to link. Might save you some time.
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alex_g wrote:it's usually only my wife that mixes up left and right!

She's not alone!
I have had a problem all my life with left and right! Cannot say for sure what is what without thinking about it.
But that does not stop me for giving driving directions that are all wrong when I mention left/right turns....
You know "turn right next" when it should have been "turn left next".....

Anyway I am going to read through those pages next, thank you for the links!
(And my boards from Amazon just arrived, but since I am staying with my daughter this week I don't have access to my tools and stuff...)
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#64666 I have now made a mini-lab by connecting the Sparkfun ESP8266 Thing Dev board to my laptop using a charger cable for my phone.
I was able to complete the 1st and 3rd exercise on the Hookup Guide using the Arduino IDE.
So I now have a SoftAP running in which I can set and clear a GPIO pin driving the LED via my phone connecting to the device AP and sending a HTTP request according to the guide.

So far so good, now I also would like to know haw to access the serial port of the module so I can transfer some real binary data via a TCP connection (like the port 80 connection for HTTP).
Except now I really would like a connection that is persistent and where data sent to the ESP8622 on the serial line appears as data on the TCP socket connection to the client and whatever the client puts on the socket will be sent to the serial port.

Currently it seems like the serial port is involved in the WebServer example because there is text output on the serial monitor when I send LED command via the web browser:

Code: Select allGET /led/1 HTTP/1.1
Client disonnected
GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
Client disonnected

I was unable to see from where this text is coming...
I am using this example with a SoftAP: ... web-server