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By alonewolfx2
uhrheber wrote:
alonewolfx2 wrote:1-You can choose serial connection mode or wifi connection mode.(wifi mode require wifigent)

What is wifigent?

WiFi agent sorry wrong type. It's in serial connection tab. Connect with serial and press upload wifi agent button.
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By picpic020960
#6275 Bonjour
Intetestong but Some issues
Luasender on wifi : listfiles : only the first file listed
Test: luasender wifi and lualoader(serial COM)as console : listfiles running from luasender , only First file listed but on lualoader console ,on the same time,the listfiles is completed with all files
Any ideas?
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By alonewolfx2
picpic020960 wrote:Bonjour
Intetestong but Some issues
Luasender on wifi : listfiles : only the first file listed
Test: luasender wifi and lualoader(serial COM)as console : listfiles running from luasender , only First file listed but on lualoader console ,on the same time,the listfiles is completed with all files
Any ideas?

program working fine but something changed on nodemcu and telnet not working correctly. it send just first line. i am looking for solution on telnet side