Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By magnets
#65620 aaaahh! Rudy thanks!

i was worried about using 9 and 10 since no one else had done it. but i'd run out of gpio pins, but yes, i have three buttons and i can use the adc for all of them with resistors! great!

noted on the pullup on 16, i'll remove that line. Thanks!

since you can't see any issues with my commented code, but it still barfs, i'll swap the module out and see if that changes things.
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By magnets
#65686 ok, still no joy, i've changed out the module, moved from breadboard to strip board, removed all other wires apart from those needed to boot and flash.
still get WDT resets.

This is my code now (it fails)
Code: Select all//ok lets declare them
int ServoSignal = 4;
int RelaySignal = 5;
int LEDClosed = 12;
int LEDOpen = 13;
int ButtonOpen = 14;
int ButtonAC = 16;

void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:

//ok lets declare them
//  pinMode(ServoSignal, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RelaySignal, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LEDClosed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LEDOpen, OUTPUT);

//  delay(2000);
//  Serial.println("i'm in the setup.");
  Serial.println("i did three pinmodes");
  pinMode(ButtonOpen, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ButtonAC, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.println("i'm running.");

can anyone try this code on their esp module (preferably a 12) and see what happens?

i even un-soldered the 3.3 reg from the strip board and bpt the lab power supply to 3.3 directly, no change.
If i comment out any one line in setup it works.
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By reaper7
#65692 I try on nodemcu
with and without commented:
Code: Select allpinMode(ServoSignal, OUTPUT);

for me works ok
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By magnets
#65694 thanks Reaper,
even though I've tried two different machines, they are both running 1.6 of the arduino ide which is out of date (i just found out) so i'll try upgrading and see if that does anything.