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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By scratchrobot
#65290 MM you are cool :)
I'm really enjoying ESP Basic!

Maybe you know how i can connect to my local MQTT broker?

mqtt.setup("") is working for me but when i use
mqtt.setup("") it doesn't work?

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By JohnCz
#66406 Yes, please, MQTT, very important for IOT devices! :)
I just discovered this amazing project, KUDOS, really well done! Especially the debug mode is a piece of art!

I motorized our HVAC flap for upstairs/downstairs forced air with a servo and relais and used for the first prototype (in active duty for over a year now) NodeMCU's LUA, which is rather cumbersome, esp regarding OTA updates. This ESPBasic would be perfect!
Testing it, I whipped up a servo settings min/max tester for my HVAC Wifi Flap project MK II in no time and it works marvelously via Wifi with this ESPBasic.

I would really love to replace the current NodeMCU LUA setup with ESPBasic. Making changes to the current setup, for example, changing the Wifi password, requires reflashing of the ESP, which is cumbersome as it is in a utility box inside the HVAC room and not easy to reach.

ESPBasic solves that problem very elegantly by being 100% OTA. :)
The only thing missing to be a perfect fit for the MK II project is MQTT. I do need this to send temp and humidity info to my main house server (Raspberry Pi) which can then automatically flip the flap (pun intended) depending on what it measures and in specific scenarios, override the summer/winter settings, which are hard-coded on the server in the crontab. For example on a hotter than usual day, if we overrode the Thermostat schedule and had the AC on early, it needs to set the flap to upstairs earlier as well.

Again, Kudos, very impressed, amazing project! If you could integrate MQTT, perfection :)
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By JohnCz
#66485 Tried the example, does not work either with the original broker hostname from the example of the MQTT broker or my own (any of them I run on my local network). tried with port, w/o port, no go.
I use the latest ESPBasic, I do not get any error message. Just, the messages do not arrive at the broker, apparently.
Any tips? :)
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By Mmiscool
#66527 I need some one who is a real mqtt pro with the Arduino environment to possibly help with mqtt implimentation in esp basic. I did a first cut at it and it seemed to work intermittently.

For my own personal use I have been using msg branch and wget() function on the esp and a web server running phone in side my network for communication.