HTML was one of the worst inventions made by mankind.
A machine, when we say to her: "- Write 100 blank characters," she should not be choosing whether or not she wants to show those characters. She simply should obey.
So the option to not show blank characters (HTML thing) is a weakness of the interface.
Internally the ESP8266Basic should obey what the programmer asked for and not what the HTML wants to do. ESP8266Basic would automatically include what was required to fulfill the order.
Impressive, at the end of every command "PRINT" automatically a horizontal line is placed in the browser, and in any BASIC I have ever used in life this happens. Do we need to correct the correlation between real BASIC and the browser interface ???
Would not it be better to do what is basic first? And then move on to more complex interfaces?
Let's think about it ???
I'm sorry if it sounded too critical.
Euclides (Brazil).