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By Rajdeep Rath
#67548 I am using node mcu v3 lolin (chinese copy I guess). The question is very generic but still I am going to ask.... I usually always use exact 5v or 4.95v as power supply to my nodemcu projects.

This time I want to use the 5v adapter that I have bought. The output is 5.22v and 2amp dc. All the sensors are what is out there for Arduino. And node mcu is powered from vin.

Sensors being used are it remote, pir, dht11 and 5v 2channel relay and logic level converter for 5v to 3.3v.

My stupid question is that can I use 5.22v instead of 5v ? Or will that matter a lot ?
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By lethe
Rajdeep Rath wrote:My stupid question is that can I use 5.22v instead of 5v ? Or will that matter a lot ?

Yes, you can use that adapter. Most USB adapters will have slightly more that 5V with no load connected, to adjust for the voltage drop along the cable when current is drawn.
5.22V is still within USB spec (which is 5V +/-5%, i.e. 4.75V-5.25V), so no need to worry...
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By rudy
#67559 I agree with the above poster. 5 Volts is a nominal value. A 4.75 - 5.25 volt range use to be a normal acceptable range. I purposely design a little higher than 5.0 volts on products. (when using adjustable regulators)