- Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:43 pm
At the moment I'm making an Eagle library with different modules, to create a shield/standalone board as well. I haven't done nr. 12 yet.
There's quite a lot of room on an Arduino-shield.
I'm thinking of placing several (4-6) footprints for different modules on a single board. I won't be using modules without onboard antenna/ufl-connector.
I'm thinking of making all arduino pins available onboard and connect all modules to a single connector. That way the user has a total freedom to connect the shield any way he likes, with or without arduino.
It even leaves room for a prototype area and maybe a 3.3v regulator circuit, but I haven't decided yet.
I advise anyone who want to use my library to tripple check both my modules and modules bought. Quite a lot of modules of the same type(s) are apparently sold with all kinds of differences. (And if that warning doesn't sound serious enough, after having designed 10-12 components, I've used this opportunity to finally get some practice....)
So, feel free to use any way you like, but... use at own risk,