Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By BayBayMan
#67950 Now when you say replace the firmware with my own, do you mean I would have to create firmware? Or would uploading one of the examples from that esp8266 library be considered replacing with my own firmware?

I am now going to look up communicating through I2C, and come back with more questions. Thanks for the responses! Should I post in another topic relating to I2C when I have questions, or continue asking here?
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By QuickFix
BayBayMan wrote:Now when you say replace the firmware with my own, do you mean I would have to create firmware?

By installing the ESP8266 core into the Arduino IDE, you handle and can write firmware exactly the same way as writing firmware for an Arduino board.
The code is exactly the same, the only difference is that you have a WiFi-stack at your disposal, a controler that is 16 times faster (80 or 160MHz) than an Atmel, have a smaller number of GPIO-pins available and only one ADC-pin.

In short: you can use the ESP as if it's an Arduino board. :D
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BayBayMan wrote:Should I post in another topic relating to I2C when I have questions, or continue asking here?

I think you may stick to this topic if you have questions about I2C communication between ESP and MEGA.
If you have trouble programming your ESP with the ArduinoIDE, you might better have a look here: