Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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#67931 warning: espcomm_sync failed
error: espcomm_open failed
error: espcomm_upload_mem failed
I didnt find any better solution for this issue. I tried up solutions given in forum and the same happens every time. Anyone please help.
Thank ypu
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By QuickFix
MOULI wrote:Anyone please help.

Possible problems:
  • Incorrectly set used COM-port ("Tools" -> "Port:") or no COM-port selected at all
  • Incorrectly set used board ("Tools" -> "Board")
  • You're not using an auto-reset and auto-flash board or you forgot to manually press and hold the FLASH-button while pressing RESET-button
But we actually need more info about your setup, because the info you're giving is very little. :roll:
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By anandhu08
#68813 I am a beginner. I have used the Arduino 1.8.3 IDE for programming my ESP-12 module. I made the connection as shown below:
VCC ---------> 3.3V
TXD0 ---------> Rx of FTDI
RXD0 ---------> Tx of FTDI
GPIO0 ---------> pulled up through 1K resistor
GPIO2 ---------> pulled up through 10K
GPIO15 ---------> pulled down through 10K
RST ---------> pulled up through 10K
EN ---------> pulled up through 10K
Two push buttons are used to pull down RST and GPIO0.
I programmed the basic led blinking program (BUILTINLED) and is working fine. The pin that is blinking now is GPIO1(TXD0). It is working fine. But I cannot reprogram the module.
If I connect the TXD0 to the Rx of serial to usb converter the module itself is not working. ie, if I press the RST button without connecting the TXD0 the module is getting restet (on board blue led blinks), the voltage level at TXD0 is 3.3V. But when I press the RST button after connecting the TXD0, the module is not responding and the voltage level at TXD0 pin drops to about 1.2V.

Please help and thanks in advance.
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By QuickFix
anandhu08 wrote:I programmed the basic led blinking program (BUILTINLED) and is working fine.

It was working the first time, so there's no reason it won't work anymore after that first attempt. :roll:

Always use the correct the flash sequence: press and hold FLASH, press RESET, release FLASH.
Also make sure the ESP is connected to a stable and good power supply that's able to supply at least a current of 500mA at 3.3V.

If you're new to the ESP (or any other micro controler): get yourself a proper development board, like a NodeMCU, WeMos, Witty Board, etc. :idea:

They're only a dollar or two more expensive than a plain ESP-12, but come with a built in USB -> serial convertor and a nice PCB to work with.
I even use the WeMos D1 for my final projects, since they're cheap (~$2.50), small, have their own USB to serial convertor and support auto-reset and auto-flash (so no hassle anymore getting the thing into programming mode using FLASH and RESET-buttons). 8-)

BTW: Are you actually using a plain ESP-12 or is it mounted on a board? :?