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By btidey
rudy wrote:I would rather try and find a more appropriate module. That's a lot of work. That's not to say i haven'd done things like that.

Yes. I'd prefer to buy modules with a decent input interface but they can be hard to find at reasonable cost. The vast majority have copy-catted a bad design. Although the modification steps are spelled out, they don't actually take that long particularly when doing multiple units where you get into a routine. I did 4 single modules for my own personal use in under 30 minutes.
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By btidey
villTech wrote:
no. that relay is active low.

I don't think active low or high is the issue here. It is whether the pin can sink enough current to activate the relay. I suspect it probably can. One way to check assuming it is an active low would be to ground the input through a digital meter in current mode and see what current flows.