ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By Dogukan Ucak
#68014 İ have nodemcu lolin board i want to power it via phone batteries 3.7v is that possible if it is which pins do i have to connect between battery and nodemcu.

And last question how long it will go with 800mah battery and a/2000mah battery
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By ohgary
#68724 You need to look at how to not only power the device but how to recharge it. There are a number of lipo battery charging modules but most use the TP4056 chip to do the heavy lifting. Battery in 1 side, out comes 5 volts. micro usb to charge. Something like ... SwD5BZbs8P would work. This can be fed to a 5 to 3v regulator such as the AMS1117-3.0 ... ysf55I4pLw or similar.

Now you have 3 or 5v for devices from a 3.7v battery as well as a way to charge the battery.
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By rudy
Dogukan Ucak wrote:how long it will go with 800mah battery and a/2000mah battery

Considering they are 'old' the only way you can tell is by trying it. I have some old phone batteries that still are useful to me but they can't run the phone anymore. A 800mA battery that only have 20% of its capacity will not go far.