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By Fasse-Sweden
#68874 Hi! I'm creating a IoT-device logging accelerometer data = 3x1kHz (x,y,z).

I don't want to use a SD card so My First solution was to send it directly via UDP, working good in My local nerwork with a Raspberry Pi in the receiving end (loosing maybe 15% of the data though, guessing that's the lack of UDP buffer in the Pi).

Now I'm thinking of sending the data with Mqtt. I want to buffer 1s of data and then send it, I think I Will use a buffer that can handle 3s of data.

Doing the sample in a interrupt routine send to work well.

Then when I thought about a buffer for the mqtt-mess I reslised it Will take approx 20kB of ram for 1s of data. Is it better to send the data as binary?, How can I do that with mqtt?
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By Fasse-Sweden
#68924 Did some further tests with UDP and a proper VM on Google cloud. With vet good results. I can stream 3x 1000Hz of accelerometer data continuosly without droping a single paket and this from a Esp 8266 through a IPads 3G connection. Wow I Will further test this in the field with worse connections an so on!