Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By gurucafe
zdebel wrote:Those SPI flash memories have a deep power down command, a D9h opcode. Because the code reading code (bah) is in the blobs, maybe espressif could add support for that in the power down function? I suppose one could manually transfer the power down command to the flash memory, but once ESP8266 woke up, it could not read from it because it'll be in deep sleep waiting for the wakeup op.

Thanks for your suggestion. I've looked W25Q40BV datasheet, power down opcode is 0xB9? However I'm trying to write both 0xB9 and 0xD9 to SPI but no luck, it still drawing same at 35uA. As you concerning even if we can put SPI flash to power down state, it won't be waking up if ESP8266 startup code doesn't write wakeup opcode (0xAB) to it. So it should be implement in SDK? How can we do this?
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By zdebel
#4485 That's what I'm worried about. I haven't read how the boot up process works in this chip so I'll assume that after reset it reads the code from the SPI flash into its memory. So sending the deep sleep command is trivial, the problem arises when the chip wakes up (which triggers a reset). It won't be able to send the disable deep sleep command, because it can't load the code. This is something espressif should address I guess. And yes, it's B9h, I made a typo, sorry :D Take a look at the datasheet point 7.2.29.
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By charlesgt
fasmide wrote:Awesome thanks for sharing :) i have a 002 module and it needed some hacking to get the rst and gpio16 connected but now it wakes just fine :)

Hi guys

Well done for getting this working, wonder if you can help me out as I am not quite there. I also have an ESP-002 module, I have managed to connect GPIO16 to the RST pin, just as suggested above. However now when I power up the module I get nothing on the UART. Do I also need a week pull up on the reset line?

