QuickFix wrote:Never knew about that trick, I always used [CTRL]+M followed by [CTRL]+J to enter CR/LF.
Will try your suggestion, when I'm using an ESP in AT-mode again: thanks.
When using the Arduino IDE , as the terminal, always make sure the EOL (End Of Line) is set as CRLF (AKA Ctrl-M Ctrl-J (sent as &H0D0A ) I still haven't figured how to do it with Putty , or any other terminal program... Working on both Win-64 & Linux-64 platforms).. Someone mentioned awhile back, a good way to identify the two different ESP8266-01 (AKA ESP-01) modules, were a blue PC-Board (the 512K/4Mbit) & Black PC-Board (1M/8Mbit) I've got 4 of these 1M modules, at present 2 are NodeMCU 2.0.0, One AT 1.9.5, and One presently Bricked (might've overloaded the Serial I/O @ +5V.. 8266 chip itself runs extremely hot at 3.3V power, and sometimes shuts-down. Awaiting a new one arriving the 18th)