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By swandroid
#69442 Hi All

I'm very new to this and after many hours of searching, plenty of learning and plenty of hair loss I've resorted to asking for help.

Basically I want create an Android app to toggle for 3 LED's connected to WemosD1 over wireless LAN.

For something as simple as this, would you use ESP as a TCP server or use a HTTP server and what are the most appropriate libraries?

A person's advice who has developed anything similar or any links to a similar project would be most appreciated and also any pitfalls I may encounter.

Thanks in advance

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By gdsports
#69469 Various ways to use a web server running on an ESP8266 to control 1 LED. No need to create an Android app if you use a web server. This assumes you want to use ESP8266 Arduino.
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By swandroid
#69544 Thanks gdsports for the response.

I have checked the links.

I should've mentioned before posting that I have already set Wemos as web server and created arduino code that toggles led's using a web browser by calling a url on my LAN via PC (different pages for different states)

What I wish to achieve is to make a button using Android Studio that simply calls a html page. This page is created from my arduino webserver code (feedback is not necessary from wemos server for now).

If I can call say,, that would be suffice.

Maybe I should start a new thread with 'android' in the post title?

Thanks again,

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By Dennild
#69563 What kind og LED?
i am doing something similar but i need the Wemos to start runing a code for a WS2812B Strip.
Im currently looking into Mqtt as a protocol to send and recieve the commands with.

If its just a Relay or a single LED you need to turn on or of there is quite good videos on Youtube try and search for "Mqtt Led" or something the like.