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By Medictrode
#69622 Hello all, awesome forum....

I am getting better but have limited experience with Arduinos and haven't touched an ESP as of yet. With that said I am trying to teach my 10 Year old daughter the limited info I know so she will maybe be way better than I am.. :D

Anyway, we built a Temperature/Humidity server using both DHT11 and DHT22 sensors for indoor/outdoor measurements. It has an LCD screen and webserver so we can access it from anywhere. I am using an UNO with an ethernet shield but would like to mount the whole setup in a deep picture frame so she can hang it in her room, but would also like to lose the ethernet and go with wireless to save on wiring.

So I was wondering how I would go about this with the ESP8266.. I'd imagine some code would have to be changed to accommodate the ESP, and I've also seen people putting the whole code onto the ESP, but not sure how to go about all this. Any tips or references would be appreciated. 8-)

Thank you for the help..
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By Medictrode
#69818 As an update... I ordered the WEMOS D1 micro and am excited to mess around with it. Great suggestion by the way, lots of power in such a small and cheap package. The install to make it work with the Arduino IDE looks straight forward too.

In regards to my current circuit stated above.. I am usual a total of 0 digital pins for 2 sensors and the display, which is a non Ic2 16x2 LCD. The WEMOS has exactly 9 Digital pins from what I see, so hopefully it will work with this display.

Thank you again for all the help.. :mrgreen: