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By schufti
#70214 maybe nobody knows what answer you are expecting?
Obviously your module is ok, as it connects to your wifi and you see the debug output over serial.
The "gibberish" after reset comes @74880 baud, usually not a preset choice, so enter it manually.
The AT-FW is a piece of s**t, better be prepared to write your own.
It only accepts upper case, is very picky about cr/lf and only supports a few standard AT commands.
Isn't there a own section on improving AT-fw? This might be the better place to ask about how to handle that beasty.
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By QuickFix
#70257 To be honoust, I don't like the board at all... :roll:
Also, it wasn't a very successful: only one person (probably the owner himself) was backing it.
IndieGogo website wrote:Our plan:

2015-8-16(UTC) Begin Crowdfunding
2015-9-15 Crowdfunding finish
2015-9-19 Shield process begin
2015-10-2 ESP8266 Arduino Shield library available in Github
2015-9-25 Begin to ship the shield

Just my 2 cents.