Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By educrocha
#70316 Hi, I'm using ESP8266-07 in my project.

When I try to send many requests to turn my lamp on, it return error.

Where can I find this limitation?
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By QuickFix
educrocha wrote:Where can I find this limitation?

In your code? :?
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By rudy
educrocha wrote:Hi, I'm using ESP8266-07 in my project.

When I try to send many requests to turn my lamp on, it return error.

Where can I find this limitation?

educrocha, please read what you wrote and ask yourself, "Have I given any details that someone could possibly use to see a problem in those details?"

What framework are you using? Lua, Arduino, JavaScript, Native SDK, etc.?

What method are you using?

How big is the message/packet?

How fast are you trying to send?

Is the problem sending or receiving?

What other work needs to be done?

These are a few questions you need to answer.

And it could be helpful if you post your code.