Question: Can somebody confirm if it is possible to communicate a couple of ESP8266-01 modules using Serial pins (not Wifi). I have an application where I need this configuration. In order to test if possible, I wired 2 ESPs using SoftwareSerial library and trying to send a message to each other via TX and GPIO2 pins.
In order to verify if it was successful, I send the received message via UDP to a 3rd ESP configured as AP, that will monitor traffic between these 2 ESPs (configured as Stations or STA).
UDP comm is working perfect, but I cannot manage to receive the string via the HW Serial, no matter how many different configurations I try. This latest one is even faulting my ESPs with some weird memory overflow that throws an exception.
Here's my STA configuration (loaded in both target ESPs:
//Test Serial transmission through hardwired pins using two ESP8266-01s (ESP1/ESP2)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
WiFiUDP Udp;
unsigned int localPort = 9000;
const char *ssid = "TEST_SERIAL_AP";
const char *password = "00000001";
SoftwareSerial ESPSerial(3,2); //Use TX as 3, GPIO2 as 2 on both chips
IPAddress StaticIP(192, 168, 4, 12); //Address of the target GATEWAY
IPAddress Target_AP(192, 168, 4, 3); //Address of THIS AP
IPAddress Subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
char c;
char conversion[255];
String inputString;
void setup() {
// Open Serial communications
//Serial.begin(115200); //Not sure if I can start the HW and SW serials so I disabled SW
WiFi.disconnect(); //disconnect to attempt credentials clearance
WiFi.setAutoConnect(true); //reconnect if WiFi lost
WiFi.config(StaticIP, Target_AP, Subnet);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("Attempting connnection to AP");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
void loop()
ESPSerial.println("Message from ESP2!"); //Send through HW serial pins 3,2 from ESP1 --> ESP2
if(ESPSerial.available()) //Wait from response from ESP2 --> ESP1
while(c != '\n') //While message has no new line character
c =; //read the port and store on a single char
inputString += c; //May not be neeeded as string since will be ported to char array but I need this elsewhere
inputString.toCharArray(conversion, 255); //Convert and buffer
Udp.beginPacket(Target_AP,localPort); //Send to AP to display
Udp.write(conversion); // Send to 3rd chip as AP to prove that message was received
I just need to be sure that Serial communication can in fact be established between 2 ESP8266-01, and if at 115200 bauds, even better.
If you can confirm the right direction or share working code, I would appreciate it.