The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By villTech
#59911 a little detail of what martinayotte is saying:

server side:
1. create a file or database in your online server.
2. write value in the file/database when you press buttons from your webpage
3. make a script on your server that will read and echo contents of file/database written. common is php script

esp8266 side:
1. use arduino WebClient sample to do http request to your server, pointing to the php script.
2. esp8266 should receive contents of the file
3. parse received content according to your need ie. ON gpio if content is '1'. OFF if '0'.

you can also use ws/mqtt for a more responsive set up.
I'm using HiveMQ for mqtt broker
js client library from Eclipse Paho for my front-end
and PubSubClient library for esp8266
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By PeteKnight
#70916 Have you guys looked at the Blynk app?
It doesn’t provide access via a web page, but it does make it very easy to control devices from any Android or IOS device. It also has webhooks, so you could add web control of you wish, but it won’t automatically generate your web page for you.

I looked at a wide variety of solutions for controlling home automation devices before eventually stumbling across Blynk. I’ve not looked back since. They also have an excellent community forum that provides support for users.
