Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By rudy
#70469 You can measure the resistance of a bare module. Vcc to the reset pin. I did this a while ago and because I'm getting old I can't remember exactly what I found.

I think the ESP-12E and ESP-12F had 12.5K on reset. The ESP-07 did not have a pull up. The ESP-12S has pull ups on the reset and GPIO-0 and GPIO-2 along with pull down on GPIO-15.
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By Erik84750
rudy wrote:CH_EN puts the module in the lowest powered state. RTC memory is not powered. I have been using CH_EN as a reset in my latest project. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=15929

I have RST connected to GPIO16 in case I want to use it for sleep/wake operation. I have some circuitry connected to the three button switches that will provide a high on CH_EN to power up the device. I use a GPIO pin to hold CH_EN high. After a timeout with no activity the GPIO pin goes low and turns the ESP off.

I like the option of using CH_EN as a reset for the ESP8266.

Hi, to start up the ESP8266 in flash mode, is it ok to use CH_PD instead of RESET, while simultaneously pulling GPIO0 low so as to enter flash mode?

Some, like and nicknamed "igrr" in advocate reset through CH_PD will others like (nickname) tttapa in ... ading.html use the RESET pin of the ESP8266 to reset the module.

Second part of the question: I would like to use the DTR breakout from the FTDI USB-serial adapter as a means to reset and initiate flash mode of the ESP8266. Do I pursue the CH_PD or the RESET pin resetting method?
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By btidey
#72525 Yes. I use CH_PD/EN as the start up for development and also in most battery powered projects where I want a signal like a PIR to start up the module via the CH_PD/EN line.

In development manual or autoflash into program mode works fine using CH_PD/EN and has advantages over using reset. See viewtopic.php?f=13&t=15469