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By andre_teprom
#70444 Hi there,

I have been using ESP8266 at some of my last developed products, and was thinking of migrating to ESP32, due to the I/O limitation of the first core.

Taking a look at Github, I notice that there have been frequent updates, which leads to believe that there is ongoing support for the development for this new core, however I would like to hear the opinion of those who have had experience with the ESP32, have been successful or have noticed drawbacks ?

Thanks in advance.
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By andre_teprom
mrburnette wrote:IMO, you need to review this list of known issues:

and make a knowledgeable decision.


I had seen up to date issues either with ESP8266 and with ESP32, therefore that list by itself is not conclusive for me; The ESP8266 works fine for my projects, but the small amount of libraries for ESP32 makes me worry.