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By tompat
#71247 Hi (first time poster here..)

I bought a bunch of Wemos D1 Mini Pros with the intention to build cheap temp/humidity loggers.

For sensors I got Bosch BME280 boards of AliExpress.
The seller stated in the ad "The board has selectable I2C address jumper (solder link GS2)" but when I got the boards there is not GS2 solder link or any other selectable jumper/link/whatever. My intention was to couple two of these boards to each Wemos and use the two different I2C addresses.

Since it appears the I2C address is not selectable, how can I connect more than one BME280 board to the Wemos? There is something called SPI, how is this wiired to the Wemos if I want to use multiple BME280 boards on a single Wemos?