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By thegasman2000
#71248 Hi

I am trying to download and install the arduino-esp8266fs-plugin as I am trying to follow the readme in this git project ... /

The problem is that no matter where I put the .jar file I dont get the Sketch Data Upload option under tools...

I am using OSX and it should be in the home directory, arduino, tools but that isnt working even after rebooting. Any ideas? Is there a workaround?

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By Narfel
#71338 Assuming you have the latest version and working java: Make sure to keep the exact file structure as in the zip-File so it looks like this:
~/Documents/Arduino/tools/ESP8266FS/tool/esp8266fs.jar (note the spelling of tools/tool )
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By btidey
#71339 Although the data upload tool works and is useful to get going, it is a bit slow and inflexible.

I find it much easier to include the ftplibrary functionality into any sketch using SPIFFS. This makes it easy to transfer files in either direction into the live sketch without having to refresh the sketch.
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By chiller-royal
#78553 Even if the answer comes late. Maybe it help others out there to safe time as I invest more than 1h in trial error and investigation.
I had the same prob. Checked restart program, os. Copied the tool into the .app container. Nothing helped.

The solution for me was to download the old 0.2.0 file from github, unzip and copy it into the "tools"-Folder.
Than the upload possibility appeared in the menu and worked without issues for now.