I am a complete noob on the MCU topic. I have an old raspberry pi type A with one usb port where I have put my wireless dongle into.
The esp8266 is connected following this schema from instructables.
A red led is burning on the esp8266.
On the Pi I have esptool.py and screen installed as well as esptools.
I can see a wireless signal named AI-THINKER_someNumber on my smart phone.
Think I have serial contact with the esp8266
pi@kamer-bv2:~/.local/bin $ ./esptool.py --port /dev/serial0 --baud 74880 version
esptool.py v2.1
Any other communication is answered with:
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header
The question is how can I change the name and ip address of the wireless?
Please advise,