Upon executing, the LEDS blink as per normal, when i press the switch to trigger a falling edge interrupt, the blue LED blinks and holds there while the blinking sequence continues. Upon repeated tries of pressing the switch, one time I was able to stop the sequence and enter blink the blue LED. But the LED was on for almost 8s even though i had specified 1s. I was not able to create this scenario again.
I have attached my code below,
In the hardware, I have a switch connected externally to D7 and pulled up to 3.3V.
int yellow = D2; // declare yellow ledPin as variable
int green = D3; // declare green ledPin as variable
int red = D4; // declare red ledPin as variable
int blue = D5; // declare blue ledPin as variable
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(yellow,OUTPUT); //configure ledPin as OUTPUT
pinMode(green,OUTPUT); //configure ledPin as OUTPUT
pinMode(red,OUTPUT); //configure ledPin as OUTPUT
pinMode(blue,OUTPUT); //configure ledPin as OUTPUT
pinMode(SW,INPUT); //configure switch as INPUT
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(SW), interruptISR, FALLING);
void loop()
digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH); // turn on yellow LED
delay(1000); // delay 1s
digitalWrite(yellow, LOW); // turn off yellow LED
digitalWrite(green, HIGH); // turn on green LED
delay(1000); // delay 1s
digitalWrite(green, LOW); // turn off green LED
digitalWrite(red, HIGH); // turn on red LED
delay(1000); // delay 1s
digitalWrite(red, LOW); // turn off red LED
void interruptISR() {
digitalWrite(blue, HIGH); // turn on blue LED
delay(500); // delay 1s
digitalWrite(blue, LOW); // turn off blue LED