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By liderbug
#71872 So I've got a ftd1232 wired to a 8266 chip. I'm not getting anywhere with the ide sw. What board? What other configs? I can get flashing LEDs - 1232 blinks 3x then the 8266 once. This happens 3-4 times and the ide says error on upload.
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By liderbug
#72093 After lots of surf'n and a bloody forehead... ... oards.html
gave me the proper wiring/pu/pd/etc and she loaded and ran

As an aside: because the 8266 board is not .1 oc but 2 mm oc (I think) I built a small jig to hold the board.
Not a bed of nails but praying fingers...


The pins holding the board are about 90% the width of the board. The pins to the proto are wirewrapped to the pins holding the 8266.

Hope this helps another noob.
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By liderbug
#72174 OK, it works - so I removed the wirewraps, soldered the pins to the daughter board. then soldered in the pins for the run configuration next to the program pins. So now I have a gig, stick the 8266 in the program fingers, upload. Then move to the run fingers and run (tests). (film @ 11)