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By mrtc
trackerj wrote:Your connection is not exactly what do you need for proper programming the ESP8266 module.

For a basic configuration with Reset and Programming buttons, take a look at the nEXT Evo board schematics

If you want a more advanced configuration, with Auto-reset capabilities, maybe also isolated interface to protect your computer USB ports, etc, look also at the USBProg schematic

You definitely need also a proper 3.3Vcc power supply, the 3.3Vcc provided by the FT232 is not powerful enough.

Ok. Presumably this is an alternate option to the FTDI? Out of interest how does it work better than the FTDI? Thanks.
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By schufti
#72012 as long as you only operate at battery levels, there is no need for isolation circuitry.
It is more important that you have reliable working reset/flash automatism that doesn't interfere with other functionality. Just use the two button approach or the small circuit ( 2 transistors / 4 resistors ) mentioned on this page further down.
As there have been problems with faked FTDI chips and drivers-from-hell, I boycott FTDI and use chips from silabs (cp2102) that even provide enough power on 3.3V rail for flashing and basic operation if backed by a 680µF cap.
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By trackerj
mrtc wrote:
trackerj wrote:Your connection is not exactly what do you need for proper programming the ESP8266 module.

For a basic configuration with Reset and Programming buttons, take a look at the nEXT Evo board schematics

If you want a more advanced configuration, with Auto-reset capabilities, maybe also isolated interface to protect your computer USB ports, etc, look also at the USBProg schematic

You definitely need also a proper 3.3Vcc power supply, the 3.3Vcc provided by the FT232 is not powerful enough.

Ok. Presumably this is an alternate option to the FTDI? Out of interest how does it work better than the FTDI? Thanks.

I was just giving you some examples how to properly implement a basic ESP8266 configuration, with classic programming button or autoreset. Check schematics in the above links.

Yes, CH340 is a good replacement for the FTDI IC, same is Silabs (cp2102) or any other one than FTDI. I will avoid FTDI IC for reasons already explained.
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By mrtc
#72036 So,

I've built the circuit as per the schematic here: ... oards.html

Still no joy. I'm using the 3.3v off the Adafruit Huzzah Feather (all I have to hand). I'm going to tinker about with getting power straight from the input USB Plug later with a voltage regulator.

My FTDI232 is an eBay special, with FTD1232 printed on the back, suggesting that its quality might not be 100%. I've ordered a new FTDI232 from a different supplier to see what that does.

If not, I'll give one of your units a go trackerj. Frustrating!

I'm trying this on an ESP12-E & ESP12-F so I doubt that both units are stuffed?